Friday, January 2, 2009

Penny in the Hedges

When I was about 9 or 10 years old. I remember walking to the store to buy some candy with some money I had and I knew I had just enough to buy one piece of gum. As I was walking, one of the pennies in my hand fell out just as I was walking next to a large row of hedges in front of one of the houses on my street. I stopped, knowing my trip was in vain without the penny. I looked for several minutes without results and started back home.
After a few steps, a thought entered my head that I should pray to find the penny so I did. Then I went back to the hedges and within seconds spotted it. I realized even then that this could have been just a coincidence, but I also knew immediately that it wasn't. That's probably the reason I still remember this minor incident very vividly even today. I knew that it was God working in my life. I don't know exactly why I knew it. I think it had to do with the fact I recognized that the "thought" that came to me about prayer, was not a thought at all, but was somehow different. I understood it as a clear direction given to me.
Maybe I was too young to analyze it away as a psychological abnormality, or a crazy trick of the mind and instead of forgetting about it, I decided to follow it. It's a good thing, because now I realized that it was one of the first times that the God encouraged me to trust Him and I did it. I took action based on the leading of the Holy Spirit. God did it on level that I could understand. I was blessed by my obedience to God. I am still learning that lesson today. Yes, I can recognized that still, small voice. And yes, I have a lot more of an ability to explain it away now than I did when I was 9. But if I am true to my understanding, and true to the real leading of the Holy Spirit, I am blessed in the tiniest of things in my life as well as in the major events. The more I listen to and follow that voice, the more I recognize it. Like the sheep that recognized the shepherd's voice, I am forever trying to follow and trust Him through my actions.

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