Friday, August 26, 2011


An entire summer has flown by since my last post.  I have finally hit a day in the last 5 months where I have a moment to write.  I have been busy and quite frankly, I have been in an extended "mood."  We have had two week-long Bible schools, two week-long camps, a couple of weddings, remodeling work on a house, helping a daughter re-evaluate and re-apply to college, Sue's mom had surgery and she went to be with her for several weeks, we have had an action filled summer of activities at church, and I somehow forgot to schedule in a vacation somewhere.
     I am happy that my wife made a great effort to get me out of town for an evening in Kansas City.  We went to the movies, ate at the Outback and stayed overnight in a hotel near the airport.  I am glad she took the time to set all of that up and get me there, because it was just what I needed.  I love helping people.  It really makes me feel great.  I sometimes forget, however, that God planned for us to take a break on a regular basis.  Since my Sunday is filled with activity of ministry, I need to schedule a day for decompression and reflection.  Actually I have already done that, but I usually end up using it as a time to do all of the things I did not have time for.  "God created the Sabboth for man, not man for the sabboth." (Mark 2:27)  God knows we need to take time away from even the things we love to do.
So, I am headed home.  Call if you really need me, but otherwise, I am cancelling my overtime.   See everyone on Sunday!

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