Monday, April 25, 2016

Car Radio

My life is filled with sound.  My life is filled with music.  One of the things that I often like to do is to sit in silence and drive in silence.  If someone is with me in the car, I like to talk to them, but when I am alone, I like to sit is silence.  The reason is that when I am silent, my thoughts are free to run.  God also speaks and leads my thoughts when I am silent.  Depending on the tendency of your thoughts, you may or may not like to have silence.
     My daughter played a song for me called "Car Radio" by Twenty One Pilots.  It discusses, in rhyme, the situation of someone who is forced to let their thoughts run because someone stole their car radio.  Their  thoughts run from something great to something violent in a dream, to something terrifying, and to understandings of the meaning and purpose of life all the while the driver is proposing that he really should replace the car radio that was stolen so that the sounds would give him the option of taking a little control back of where his mind is going.  But at the same time, he admits that the music and sounds that keep his mind from going everywhere also keeps him from thinking and that thinking is a good thing.  Here is the central part of the song...

There are things we can do
But from the things that work there are only two
And from the two that we choose to do
Peace will win
And fear will lose
There's faith and there's sleep
We need to pick one please because
Faith is to be awake
And to be awake is for us to think
And for us to think is to be alive
And I will try with every rhyme
To come across like I am dying
To let you know you need to try to think

We often recognize those things in our lives that have taken control, sending our minds racing and we don't know how to get them to be quiet.  They pop up in our consciousness, they bring fear and keep us from truly living.  If we don't know how to get rid of them, we try to run or we try to drown them out with other things so we don't have to deal with them.   A time comes to deal with them so we can stop running and start resting. Hopefully someone will steal our car radio and we are forced to realize we need to do something.  Faith in God brings the presence of God,  The presence of God brings peace, Peace replaces fear. 

2 Timothy 1:7King James Version (KJV)

7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

God's word explains that process of ridding ourselves of the thoughts that bring fear or situations that cause us to get wrapped up in too many things is a simpler process than we think  To rest our thoughts and actions in faith in one who has power to take care of all of those details and to teach us how to overcome with His authority.

Don't ignore, stop thinking, and go to sleep,  or just turn up the radio!

Faith is to be awake
And to be awake is for us to think
And for us to think is to be alive

Find the Truth of finding peace by seeking the Prince of Peace, Jesus. 

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