Tuesday, December 21, 2010

We Three Queens

We have the pleasure of playing co-host to three international students for a while over Christmas break.  Since they are from Japan and Mongolia, My daughter invited them to spend the time with us while the dorms were closed at her school.  This is the first time we have ever attempted such a hospitality event due to our small house and thanks to great friends with extra bedrooms and generous hearts, it is working out.  We have spent many hours talking about the differences in our cultures and getting to know each other, but the most exciting times for me has been sharing about Christmas.  It was the first time I had personally heard anyone say, "We do not have Christmas in my country."  I was reminded of Narnia where it is always winter but never Christmas.  Some of the girls celebrated Christmas as a festive holiday involving family and gift giving, but they all seemed to not know the origin of Christmas as the celebration of the birth of Christ.  When we opened our nativity set to place it under the tree one of they said, "I have seen this many places, who are these people?" My response in my heart was "WOW, what an opportunity to share."  Little by little, we and our friends have been given the opportunity to share our faith in Christ.  We have once again been reminded that in order to show Christ to others we need to love them and get involved in their lives on a personal level.  They have come to church with us this past Sunday, but I believe the personal interaction and showing them how we live and pray on a daily basis is the best witness.  I would never have decided to be a part of this sharing on my own, but thanks to my daughter and wife and friends who were open to hosting these girls, I believe I have learned that a great way to share Christ with the world is not only to "go ye into all the world, " but to invite the world to live the life of Christian with you.
I know God is using us to lead these three visitors from the east to learn about the Christ child.  I hope they continue their search and learn the true nature of His kingdom.

 メリークリスマス, Zul saryn bolon shine ony mend devshuulye, Merry Christmas 

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