Friday, October 31, 2014

Open Heart Surgery

No, I am not in a medical crisis.

I am not in a crisis at all.  I am in awe of the endlessness of God.

If you are a Christian who is seeking to know God deeper every day, I have reached a couple of points of discovery I want to share.  First of all, there is no end to "knowing God."  I don't know if there is an end to the things God will allow us to "know about" Him.  Both searches I am sure will last a lifetime and possibly eternity.
      The word "knowing" can mean different things.
I can know facts.  I can correctly recall and use truths about things and people and even God.
I can also know people.  That doesn't mean I know everything about them, but that I have met them and can, because of experience of being with them,  guess what their thought and actions will most likely be in given circumstances.  I can even know God that way up to a point.
     But I have noticed that my best friends are not only those people that I know a lot about or even know  personally enough to predict their actions and thoughts,  but they are the ones whom I trust to let know about me.  I have revealed to them the contents of my heart and have allowed them to hold my heart in their hands knowing they will do everything to protect it.  These are people whom I have connected deeply with.... my family, my wife, and longtime friends.
     This is also God.    Recently I experienced a moment that revealed to me that there are parts of my soul that I have neglected to give God permitted access to.  Not on purpose, but I had not said, "God this vulnerable part of me is yours to use."  I reached this understanding after a period of time where God was challenging me to speak to him about things that I had no control over anyway.   In a way, God was showing me that "Hey, you can't do anything about this, and you still haven't asked me to get involved."  When I did, I was also challenged to discipline myself and ask myself to come beside God and Bless Him.  To do and say something to God that was from me personally.  I trusted Him with my emotions and they were richly increased in depth.  I trusted Him with my family, and our relationships became richer.  It was as if there had been a blockage in the flow of His love in the deepest parts of my heart.  I am still seeking to continue this deeper relationship and allow him to unblock parts of my heart and in some ways, I was responsible for removing the blockage that I had put in place.
     I have heard several people say that after they heal from open heart surgery, they feel better than they have for decades.  I believe I am having the same experience spiritually.
Trust God with the deepest part of who you are.  He will infuse your spirit with His love and closeness like never before.

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