Saturday, February 9, 2013


Recently, several friends of mine have undertaken a challenge to share with someone a walk through a book called Multiply by Francis Chan.  It is not just a book, it is a project designed to encourage people to talk and walk their spiritual life together, learning from the Bible and each other's life experience.  Although we already do that through our church fellowship, this is a one-to-one mentorship where we can talk about specific areas of life and growth as a Christian.  I have begun to realize that there are already many people around me who God has placed there to teach me while I teach them.  These include my children, friends, former students, kids from camp, etc.  I would encourage Christians to try to place more emphasis on this aspect of our lives.  God created us to interact with each other.  In today's world, however, we are kept so busy that this interaction is no longer a normal occurrence.

     I have a set time on Saturday mornings that I reserve to talk to my brothers in Christ.  We do not normally do a Bible study or anything like that, nor do we always talk about silly stuff. (We do some of both however)  But mostly we talk about our spiritual lives as it relates to our roles as fathers, husbands, friends, and Christians.  God speaks to me through these guys.

     I have learned that I also have to schedule a time to talk to people that I want to have an impact on.  Thursday nights at 6:45 I meet with a friend who is walking through this book with me.  Saturday at 8:30ish I can usually expect a call from a former camp student who wants guidance about living life as a young Christian in a tough situation.  Although I can speak to these people through casual meetings, it is unlikely in today's world if we really want to make an impact in a certain direction.

Jesus wanted to impact a group of people for a period of time.  He told them to spend time with him.  He told them to "Follow Me."  Let's walk through life together for a short time.  You will get to see how the Father in Heaven wants us to live in the details of earthly life.  We can get the same impact by walking with others and learning from them.

We are called to be a disciple and to be disciple makers.

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Matthew 28:19-20

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