Thursday, September 24, 2009

Over My Shoulder

This has been a very exciting adventure. Just when I think I know what my life is all about, God reminds me that He has a much more exciting life for me than I would have ever dreamed up. I was sure I would retire from teaching music in school, but through a series of years, opportunities, decisions, prayer, seeking, passions, and experiences, I have discovered that that was just one leg of my journey. Last year, God brought me to an intersection and turned me in a new direction. I have seen a new horizon and am excited about the new terrain. I see places I have never been before, but am not worried, because He is driving. It would be pointless for me to make the decisions, because I don't know where I am going.
Every once in a while, however, I marvel at the fact that I have been brought along this particular path of life in order to pick up certain skills and knowledge along the way that I would need for later in life. When something new comes along that I need to know how to do, I usually find myself saying, "Hey, I know how to do that because of this unexpected stop I had to make earlier in the trip." Many times, I come into contact with someone, who miraculously has just the knowledge or experience I need to accomplish a task or goal. Why do I continue to fool myself by thinking that I am in charge of my life. I gave it to Jesus. I am now being led along a pre-determined route and I just need to keep making the turns and the stops as He leads. It has brought me on an incredible trip so far. If you don't know what I'm talking about, switch places and let God drive.
The most amazing part is the incredible path that I see when I look back. An amazingly complex and purposeful series of links that brought me to where I am today. So, I am looking ahead for the next part of the journey, but continue to marvel at what I see when I take a few minutes to look back over my shoulder.

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