Monday, March 9, 2009

Ambassador's Charge

(a diplomat of the highest rank; accredited as representative from one country to another.)-"Webster's Dictionary"

I have been doing personal Bible study in the book of 2 Corinthians with a new understanding of the apostle, Paul. These letter to the church at Corinth seem to be in response to a lot of complaints that the church has about him. We don't have a copy of the complaints from the church, but by the many issues he addresses, we can figure out that they are not sure what to make of Paul and Timothy's ministry. They seem to question everything including their motives of ministry. Paul's feeling are hurt by this and he tries to explain in this letter that they are not in ministry for self-promotion or prideful reasons, but that they are trying to do what the Lord has for them to do.
When the world looks at Christians, we are sometimes accused of being hypocritical, or acting "Holier than thou." Hopefully we are not, but from the world's point of view, someone striving to live a Godly life may come across that way. Paul explains that any success in living a Godly life is an honor to God, not the person living it. We are no longer living our own lives, but serving as ambassadors for Christ.
What is the work of an ambassador for Christ? Here is my paraphrase of 2 Corinthians 5:18-21. (All this is from God, He reconciled us to Himself by what Christ paid on the cross. He gave us the ministry responsibility of spreading the word and bringing others to be reconciled to Him. The message is that because of the payment for sins by Jesus, God is not holding us accountable for our sin. Therefore, we are ambassadors as though God were speaking to people through us. We carry the message for Him.)
We are a diplomat of the highest rank, accredited as a representative from God to the people of the world. The salvation given to you through Christ is your letter and credentials authorizing you to spread the gospel. Proclaim the words of the King with His authority.


  1. Reminds me of a sermon series I have recently been listening to...The pastor is speaking about using whatever job we have in a ministry capacity. One line that stuck out was that bosses/supervisers etc. should WANT to hire Christians because we should be working for someone higher...becuase we are a "diplomat of the highest rank"

    Thanks for your thoughts. I'll have to stop by more often.

    And I'll let you know if I try to "funeral brownies" :)

  2. Loved this! And so glad I found your blog! I've got it saved now, so I'll be stopping by more often :)

    And thanks for your note on my blog - I'm certainly not opposed to having another trumpet player in the family!


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